at Core Star Center
Send us a message using the form below and let us know you want to join.
You can also just show up to the first class to see if you are interested. But it means you won’t get the introductory email with helpful information and if a lot of people are interested in a workshop it is possible we could run out of space and would have to prioritize people that officially reached out to us to confirm they are joining.
No drumming experience is required. Some members had never touched a drum before their first beginner workshop.
If you have some experience you can still join and it will just be easier for you to learn.
No equipment is required. Drums, straps, sticks, knee pads and earplugs are all available to use during the class.
Many people choose to bring their own hearing protection and knee pads for additional comfort. Knee pads are needed for the Surdo drums because they hang down and rest on your knees. -
Fall, Winter and Spring workshops are usually 8 weeks long
Summer workshop is usually 6 weeks long
We meet once a week on Monday from 7-9PM
Not really. You are learning two full songs and each week we build on what we learned in the previous week. Every week you miss will make it increasingly difficult for you to keep up with the rest of the class.
You can come to the first Monday to get the introduction and decide if you want to join and then pay for the workshop on the second week.
If you miss the first Monday you will miss the chance to try out all the drums to decide what you want to play. You will also miss the very fist lesson but you should be able to catch up if you join by the second Monday. Also if you have to miss a week during the session you will just need to catch up in the next class which is common.
Trying to start in the middle of the eight weeks or missing many classes during the session will mean you won’t know the material we learned previously so you won’t be able to follow as well which is less fun for you. -
Anybody under 18 will need a parent or guardian to be present at each class
The workshops can range between $60-$80 dollars
We need to consider and adjust pricing to ensure we can keep offering classes
We also want to continue to try to offer one free class during the summer and work with anybody who wants to take a class so that cost is not a prohibitive factor -
Core Star Center
439 W 2nd Ave Eugene OR
Every Monday 7-9PM during the workshop dates -
Our standard set list is around ten to twelve songs. Each class covers two different songs so if you take all four classes in the year you could learn versions of up to eight songs.
The songs being covered in each session will be sent out before the workshop starts. These are often slightly shortened and altered versions of our songs to make them easier to learn in the workshop time. -
Some drums tend to be more difficult so your experience or ability to learn quickly will help you decide. We try to let everybody play what they want but it also could depend on the number of people wanting to play a specific drum because we need to balance the drums to have a good overall sound.
A general guide of difficulty from higher to lower
- Repique and caixa
- 3rd surdo
- 1st and 2nd surdo
But all drums have specific challenges so this estimate of difficulty might not be the same for you. And regardless of difficulty, you might just find one drum the most fun to play and that should be the one you choose! -
After showing technical progress from taking the beginner classes and being invited to the Wednesday main group classes, you will have a chance to display your proficiency on any song you wish to perform with the main group.
After a while, if you show your able to play accurately and confidently you will be cleared for performance on the song.Occasionally there could also be casual performance opportunities open to anybody who has taken the classes and is confident with the songs being performed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Just show up and learn by playing together
Samba Ja welcomes you to hands-on Brazilian drumming classes. In this supportive, beginner-friendly environment, we explore the history of the samba-reggae genre, proper playing technique and simplified versions of our repertoire. Those who are interested in eventually joining the band and playing shows can start their training in the beginner classes.
If you attend four sessions (one year), you will likely have played simplified versions of most of the Samba Ja repertoire. Players who demonstrate technical progress and proficiency with the repertoire will be invited to practice at the Wednesday advanced rehearsals and eventually invited to be a performing member.
We try to offer 4 workshops per year that last 6-8 weeks. Workshops vary between $60-$80 and you can pay on the second week so you can decide if you want to join after you try the first class.
The workshop meets once a week on Monday from 7-9PM.
We also try to offer one free workshop per year for the summer session.
Class in progress
Spring 2025
March 10 - April 28*
Eight-week workshop
We hope you can join us!
* We need to skip class the week of April 7 and extend the workshop so the last class is on May 5
Previous class
Winter 2025
Jan 6 - Feb 24
Eight-week workshop
It’s been great!
To register for a class, all you need to do is submit the form below and we will send you a confirmation. You can also ask any additional questions.
We have heard some of our responses end up in junk or spam folders.
Please check if you have not received a reply from us.